Sophie is getting the party of her dreams! We're currently planning a belated b-day party at the new Shanghai Barbie store.
Sophie also lost her first tooth on her Great Grandpa's 103rd birthday! She's 7 years old and all her friends have already lost a few by now. She was glad the tooth fairy found her in China!
Sean is busy with Basketball and Baseball, still loves school and according to him "everyday is the best day of his life". I'd love to be 9 years old again and have that attitude.
I'm still taking classes and keeping very busy with the kid's school. Next month, I'm looking forward to a girls trip to Jingdezhen! This is where all the good porcelan is made in China. I'm hoping to get some good deals. Really, I'm looking forward to spending a couple days with a couple of good friends and no kids!
We're having my driver drive to the city (it's about 6-8 hour drive) and we will fly. His job will be to drive us around and keep our purchases for us so we don't have to carry them. We'll spend 2 nights there then he'll drive and we'll fly home. We figure we save a lot on shipping too! Only in China baby!!
When we arrived in Shanghai, China it was a big move for myself and my family. It helped alot to be able to write down our experiences and e-mail them to our friends and family. They all gave us a lot of much needed support during that time. After a few months of "adjustment", it became commonplace for me to write updates. Here is an arichive of e-mails sent before creating this website and updates after the website was created.
Sophie's B-Day cake that Ayi bought for her. We all love the thought but the the Chinese just haven't figured out how to make a good cake yet. Sophie ate the Panda's on top and called it a day!