Fun Facts &Tips

Click for Kashi, Xinjiang Uygur Forecast

Our route from Shanghai to Kashgar.

Dunhuang (our first stop), located in Gansu Province, is a city of only 180,000 people that exists today mainly off of tourism. This is where the Crescent Moon Lake and Mogao Caves are located and the main reason people come to Dunhuang. We traveled in October a good time to visit as the sandstorms are rare at this time of the year.

Silk Road Hotel

Silk Road Hotel in Dunhuang.

Crescent Moon Lake is a tiny lake surrounded by the Gobi desert located in the city of Dunhuang. It's in the shape of a crescent and this lake as been there for thousands of years. When the natural spring formed it was protected by sand dunes on each side, which with the wind direction, keeps the sand from filling up the lake. It was interesting to see but the excitement for us was the sand sledding. They also offer camel rides and dune surfing all in the same park. We passed on these.

Mogao Caves

The story of the Mogao Caves or Caves of the Thousand Buddhas, dates back to 366 A.D when a Buddhist monk traveling from India needed a place to meditate. He was very tired and hungry and thought he saw 1,000 golden Buddhas in a cliff. When he got to the cliff, he started sculpting a meditation cell for his devotional contemplation. Once he was done he left the caves and as more monks passed through they added to his work and hence began the movement of bringing Buddhism to China. Many more monks came after him and enhanced each cave with elaborate murals using vibrant colors and huge sculptures and left a library filled with scriptures depicting life as a Buddha. It was during this time that Buddhism and Chinese art combined to create over 1,000 caves filled with teachings of Buddhism. Due to inclement weather, various wars and vandalism, spanning over 17 centuries, only about 600 caves exist today. And, only 30 of these caves are open to the public.

Kashgar (known as Kashi in Chinese), China is the westernmost city in China located near the borders of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Given the current events in the news one can only think of what it may be like to search for Osama Bin Laden in the mountainous regions of the bordering countries. Although extremely rugged terrain dominates the area it is also some of the most beautiful terrain we have ever seen. The rock formations and topography are truly amazing. With about 4 million people in the immediate area, Kashgar is made up of Muslim Uighurs, a growing mix of Han Chinese among others. It is a city rich with over 2000 years of history as being an important stop in the Silk Road.


Currently visiting Kashgar is like going back in time, but soon all this will change. Plans for a new Kashgar are underway and moving at a very fast pace. As only China can do! This article from Newsweek sums up the changes coming to this old very quaint city.

Animal Market

A trip to Kashgar is not complete until you go to the Sunday animal market. It is here where the donkeys, camels and goats way outnumber the taxis. Sure tourists were everywhere but at the same time the locals were conducting business as usual. They seemed not to notice us walking through the mud and snapping pictures left and right.

Abakhoja's Mausoleum

These tombs constructed in 1640 are from five generations (72 tombs in all). The Uyghur's named the tomb after Abak Hoja a very powerful ruler of the 17th century. Some believed him to be a prophet second only to Mohammed. Inside the tiled hall are only about a dozen tombs and outside amongst gardens and trees are the remaining tombs.

Abakhoja Tomb

According to the Han (Chinese minority that lives in this region) this place is called the Tomb of the Fragrant Concubine named after Abak Hoja's grandniece that was summoned to act as a concubine for the Qing ruler in Beijing. Uyghur legend says she was so unhappy she committed suicide while the Chinese say she spent 30 years in the emperor's palace then asked to be returned to Kashgar to die with her family. Her tomb, which is located in the same place was excavated in the 1980's and found empty. I wanted to see the tombs mainly because of the great stories behind the Fragrant Concubine.

Karakul Lake

Karakul Lake:

We took the Karakoram Highway, which at one point is only 31 miles from Afganistan and one of the many paths of the Silk Road. Karakul Lake is situated near the junction of the Pamir, Tian Shan and Kunlun mountain ranges and has an elevation of 11,800 feet. The surrounding mountain ranges reach almost 25,000 feet high.

Make sure to take your passports with you to Karakul Lake. On the way we had to stop at a checkpoint show our passports and they recorded our time. Our guide told us we only had a limited amount of time to spend there then we had to go back. If we left too early or too late, we'd be fined. Crazy!! Notice the guy with the gun, I got in trouble later for taking this shot but they didn't take my camera!

Karakul Lake

At the lake there are a few yerts you can rent for the night that are common houses for the Tajik ethnic group that live in this area of China. It is super inexpensive to rent one of these but be prepared to share with other people and don't expect in suite shower and bath. They will also cook diner for you. If you stay the night you can see the lake actually change colors throughout the day. It will go from Jade to mauve to golden and then a beautiful dark blue depending on the season and weather. Other activities on the lake include camel rides around the lake and horse rides as well.

Brick House

Local village we passed on our way to the lake. We saw lots of these brick houses. Simple and effecient.

If you go Karakul Lake, make sure to have your guide take you through the countryside on your way back to Kashgar. It was just as interesting as everything else we saw. The main mode of transportation out here is motorcyle, tractor and donkey.

Our photo album.

Welcome to The Silk Road, China

Dun Huang, Silk Road

Our ride to the campsite. You gotta love camping when you have people to carry your stuff, cook your meals and set up your camp.

Cresent Moon Lake

Crescent Moon Lake. We thought this was going to be a huge deal but actually we had more fun sand sledding then seeing this tiny lake in the middle of the desert. The fascinating part is that it is not man made and it exists in the desert.

Sand Sledding

We all loved the sand sledding! It was 10 rmb per ride but that was only because the guy had to carry the heavy wooden sleds up after each run. By the third time, Sean was carrying his own sled up the dune and it was free. He could have done that all day. Sophie and I went together twice with her giving orders on how I should drive the sled the entire time. I still don't know who was driving, her or me. Her poor future husband!!

Dun Huang

This was our camp-site. Notice no people!! We loved not seeing another sole on this trip. Except of course, our friendly helpers.

Sand Dunes

That's Sean and Sophie, once we got off the camels, Sean and Sophie took off for the dunes, digging holes and climbing one dune after another. We didn't see them until dinner and for them this was the highlight of their trip to the Silk Road.

Sophie loved the camels.


For dinner Robert brought a bottle of wine and lots of beer for the adults. The day before Robert had asked us what kinds of food we liked and the cook surprised us with a wonderful 5-course meal. After dinner the kids played some more than we sat around the campfire until it was time for bed. All four of us slept in one tiny tent set-up by the guides. Outside it was a lot colder than I thought it'd be, but we were all surprised how much heat the tent and our bodies generated that night. We all had a really good time and the kids loved going to the bathroom in the desert. It's so much the little things in life!

The entire time out in the desert, we did not see another person, we never looked at our watches and spent some of the most relaxing time we'd had in ages. It was a great change of pace from our lives in Shanghai.


Our guide for the four day / three night stay in Kashgar was a local Muslim Uighur who was open about telling us the way of Muslim life in the region and how the Chinese are trying to maintain control given the various challenges over the past couple of years. He was straight-forward and no questions were off-limits, which meant that we were able to obtain a wonderful perspective to how locals live and how they see their lives changing as China is keen to develop this area of the Silk Road into a modern day trading and commerce center – a Los Angeles of China, as a comparison.


Kashgar - What are they talking about????


Scott tried forever to get this little girl to crack a smile. No go. She was only interested in the sale. We all ended up loving these bagels this girl was selling. Much better than the U.S. stuff.


I like this picture. It was taken at the Kashgar Sunday market, a huge animal market, and this is how the Uygher's dressed. All of the girls Sophie's age had very short hair. We thought it was interesting as they don't look Chinese at all.

We timed our trip to be in Kashgar for the Sunday market and it was definitely worth it. Being in Kashgar is like going back in time – to a much simpler lifestyle. Every Sunday the locals attend many bazaars throughout the city. Animals (alive and ready to eat), foods, textiles and other staples are traded, bought or sold. Along the way we sampled many of the local fruits and vegetables grown in the region along with a variety of meats (predominantly lamb and mutton). One of the many surprises discovered were the breads and local Naan that are available throughout this market and the rest of the city. A traditional dough with onions and garlic – this Naan is very good and even our finicky children enjoyed it throughout our trip.

After the Sunday market we visited the Kashgar Bazaar and handicraft market, which was so-so. We saw everything here; it was just so big it was a little overwhelming. I enjoyed seeing how different the merchandise was compared to Shanghai and other parts of China we've visited. The goods here come from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, and Turkey among others.


One of my favorite parts of the day was a street Alip (our Kashgar guide) took us to in the old quarter, that had vendors on each side selling goods, tools and food and it was absolutely charming. It was close to here that Kite Runner was filmed. We really enjoyed seeing this part of Kashgar.

One good thing about our hotel was its location. We could walk to just about anywhere. After our day touring Kashgar we walked back to the hotel for some much needed quiet time. The next morning we found John's Café, the best breakfast in Kashgar! Within walking distance of our hotel the coffee was hot and the scrambled eggs excellent. This is a must do if you're dying for a good western breakfast.

On our last day we drove to Karakul Lake outside of Kashgar and stopped for breakfast on the way. We bought some fruit and naan and we were ready to go.

We saw lots of these Yurts on our way to Karakul Lake, they are home to many people living in the mountains.

Karakul LakeKarakul Lake

In route to Karakul Lake. Time to release some energy!

Karakul lake

Once we arrived at Karakul Lake, stepped out of the van and into an oasis at 11,000 ft. A beautifully blue lake surrounded by glaciers and snow-covered mountains – this was a sight to behold. The only challenging part of the whole experience was catching your breath. Being so high walking 10 steps seemed like a chore – you could really tell a difference in elevation and we even brought along a tank of oxygen – at the recommendation of our guide – just in case. We walked along one side of the lake and stopped by a few of the peddlers on our way back to the van. In all we spent maybe an hour to 1.5 hours at this wonderful site. Now it was time for the 3.5 hour journey back to Kashgar. It was a long day but totally worth the trip.